Name | Description |
Education | Mingle with educators, engage in discussions about current trends in education |
Entrepreneurs | Meet venture capitalists, learn tips for starting a company |
Fashion | Meet leaders in the fashion industry, get the inside scoop on the latest trends |
Foodie | Event for people that appreciate food, cooking, exploring new recipes, etc |
Green | Mingle with green professionals and people interested in green practices |
Multicultural | Mingle with multicultural professionals |
Networking | Expand your network at these events aimed strictly at meeting new people |
Nonprofit | Support charity events, mingle with nonprofit professionals |
Social Media | Learn social media tips and tricks, mingle with social media professionals |
Technology | Learn trends in technology, mingle with technology professionals |
Web Developers | Meet fellow web developers, learn trends and tips |
Women | Events that are hosted by women for women. |
Workshop/Professional Development | Career advice, develop professional skills |
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