Blog Better Boston – BostonTweetUp Contest

Blog Better Boston Logo Contest

Blog Better Boston Logo ContestAlana Brooks and Amy Allen are organizing Blog Better Boston (#BBBos) . Blog Better Boston is a conference where education meets inspiration or more specifically a one day event created for bloggers by bloggers.

Blog Better Boston is on March 24, 2012 @ the Google Offices in Cambridge, Ma and you can register for the BBBos event here

Now, as we have done since the beginning of @BostonTweetUp we are not only going to promote the event and cover the event for those that can’t attend. For those that can attend and more specifically for our loyal readers, we are offering a way for you to attend the event for free!

All you have to do is :

  1. Comment below and let us know why you want to attend
  2. Let us know via twitter that you have entered the @BostonTweetUp #BBBos contest by tweeting ” I just entered the @BostonTweetUp #BBBos Contest I want to learn how to blog bettah cc @BlogBetterBOS ” or simply click this button
  3. Get your friends to either like your comment below or RT your Tweet.

We will announce a winner every Monday at 12pm EST. (starting Monday February 20th)

We will select the winners based on a combination of :

  1. Your comment below
  2. The number of Likes your comments gets
  3. The number of RT your tweet gets
  4. Klout Score + Kred Score + Follower Count + Twitter Name

Kidding on #4 😎

Good Luck and here’s to Bettah Blah-ging!

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