Meet, Plan, Go! – Boston – A BostonTweetUp Review


What It’s All About…MeetPlanGo

Meet, Plan, Go is a unique meetup group that connects people, online and/or in person, who are interested in traveling during as a career break. At the event you Meet like minded people, you get tools and tips to Plan your travel and you get inspiration to Go by hearing stories from other travelers. One of the goals of this national group is to redefine the term “career break” and make it part of an overall career strategy. In fact the Meet Plan Go is leading the career break movement in North America.

What Happened….

Lillie Marshall, the local event organizer, opted for a two table setup sit down dinner style meetup. Each table had room for 10 people which create a nice setting for everyone to talk to each other. After a brief introduction from Lillie, who began her solo traveling during her college year (which made her the ideal host) everyone got up and introduced themselves along with the country(ies) of their expertise.

Memorable Moments

One of the best parts of this meetup was the fact that everyone had the opportunity to share a bit about themselves. This is essential to building a strong community and it was all due in large part to Lillie’s leadership as an event organizer and host. Lillie is also a school teacher, which, as she joked, has helped her significantly as an event organizer. Another great thing about the event was the name tags, which were smaller than the typical name tags and created less waste, and the extremely useful handout (see photo album below). Lastly it was also great to see Sara, Eventbrite’s Boston Community Manager, there to not only support but also participate in the meetup.

Kudos to Meadhall @Meadhall, there were 3 events there and they all co-existed nicely there. This venue is become a great hot spot for events in Cambridge.

More info

Organizers: Lillie Marshall (@WorldLillie)
Social: Hashtag #MeetPlanGo Facebook
Frequency: Monthly
Registration: @Eventbrite
Venue: @Meadhall

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