BostonTweetUp Weekly : Sports, Sneakers, & Social

BostonTweetUp Newsletter Logo

BostonTweetUp Newsletter Logo

Que Pasa

How are you doing?

It’s going to be a great week of events with a great variety to choose from. I am looking forward to the first ever sneaker conference of this scale in Boston.

I also wanted to update you on the status of the #TasteAndTweet (Wine Tasting / Twitter workshop) event. I have a wine sponsor and now I am just working on a date and a venue. I will keep you posted once things as they get finalized. If you are interested just reply to this email and let me know.

As usual, See below for discounted event tickets and If you don’t see an event you like, I recommend visiting our calendar for a more complete listing of events.

We are looking for Fall interns (we call them twinterns 😉 so if you or someone you know is interested visit for more information!

Have a great week.




Joselin Mane

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