BostonTweetUp Weekly : 80’s Cruise Did you Win?

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BostonTweetUp Newsletter Logo

Que Pasa

How are you doing?

It’s going to be full week, especially on Wednesday so don’t miss out!

The 80’s Cruise is this weekend! As you know we love to provide exclusive giveaways and deals to our subscribers.

Here are the free ticket giveaway/special deal winners

You can be next!

Simply be one of the first 10 people to use code: SPIRIT20 when you register online or call 866.310.2469!

The 80’s Spirit Cruise event is all you can eat, there will be prizes all night and it will be hosted by Kennedy of Mix 104.1. See you there!!

As usual, we only list a few events in this newsletter so make sure to check our calendar for a more complete listing of events!


Joselin Mane

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