Cookie Swap for a Cause – A BostonTweetUp Review

What it’s all about

If you haven’t been to a Swapaholics event, you need to start going. From the Boston Fashion Week Swap to Cookie Swap for a Cause, these ladies know how to organize a successful swapping event. So what does a swapping event entail exactly? Well, a bunch of people (usually upwards of a hundred attendees) congregate to exchange items. To ensure swappers are still able to get their fix, but the mayhem is manageable a cap of tickets is usually pre-determined. However, attending a swap is very cost effective because tickets are free or minimal.

What happened

Whether you have a hankering for salty, sweet, chewy, or crunchy, there was a cookie to delight your taste buds. 8,000 cookies to be exact. And for every cookie swapped, 10 cents will be donated to Cookies for Kids with Cancer thanks to Glad to Give (who also generously donated containers) campaign. With additional donations from participants, that amounted to roughly a thousand dollars. Furthering the holiday spirit, attendees made reindeer ornaments (which will be decorate a Christmas tree at Dana Farber) tucked away in a corner. Holiday-inspired sparkling water samples were provided by Polar Beverages. Finally, Udi’s Gluten Free Cookies had samples. No need to worry about keeping track of the enormous array of recipes, since all recipes will be available on MyReci.com. Participants voted on the best cookie recipe. Winners received baking swag, including books, an apron, and supplies.

More information:

Short URL: http://bit.ly/BTUrCSC
