BostonTweetUp TV, Episode #73, Aug 8 2010

In this episode Joselin Mane, reviews the another 4 TweetUps in the Boston area and highlights some of last weeks most interesting events including ##BSMT hosted by @GSPN and @FatherRoderick. This week we highlight #tweetngreet, #aug9, #StartupDrinks & #awarenessinc, tweetup which is part of a weekly @Thelansdowne Tweetup Tuesday series.

As usual we give organizers some tips on how to make their events easier to promote.

Please let us know what you thought of this weeks episode.  Please comment below.

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(0:13) http://www.twitter.com/JoselinMane

Last Week Review
(1:57) http://bit.ly/bsmt810

(2:46) #tweetngreet details http://bit.ly/tweetngreet in Providence RI hosted by http://twitter.com/RIBloodCenter
(3:08) #tweetngreet details http://bit.ly/tweetngreet
(4:39) #aug9 event details http://bit.ly/Aug910 hosted by http://twitter.com/johncass
(5:11) #aug9 event details http://bit.ly/Aug910
(6:32) #StartupDrinks event details http://bit.ly/StartupDrinks hosted by http://twitter.com/betahouse

(7:06) #cm10fund Event details http://bit.ly/cm10fund hosted by http://twitter.com/keramurphy
(8:32) #awarenessinc event details http://bit.ly/AIncTT810 hosted by http://twitter.com/cmajor http://twitter.com/awarenessinc

(9:18) Ignite Spatial: Boston 2 event details http://bit.ly/ISBos2 hosted by http://twitter.com/igniteboston & http://twitter.com/msnewengland

To Stay updated
(9:38) https://bostontweetup.com/calendar/
(9:43) http://www.facebook.com/BostonTweetUp
