Categories: Guides

Weekly Boston Events Newsletter Oct 1 – 7 Busy Event Week, Networking 101 Video Series

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Que Pasa?

As we mentioned last week, event season has begun! There are 20+ events this week! As usual, we have searched for the best networking events and put them all in one place for your convenience. As you already know, Boston TweetUp is the only New England resource that not only aggregates networking events and helps organizers plan their events, but more importantly, we promote events via this newsletter, our website, word of mouth, as well as across various social media channels.

We do this because we love connecting people one event at a time!

So we are now expanding our services to provide you even more options. As you know we have mostly focused on free/low cost events organized by New England’s best event organizers, but starting today we will be promoting even more events. We will be promoting hihger prices events and will work to provide free and/or discounted tickets to our members. We will include them in a new section called featured events.

Another thing we love to do is help people connect easier, so the next video in our Networking 101 Series is 5 Tips to Help You Find the Right Networking Event. 5 tips in 5 minutes.

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