BostonTweetUp TV, Episode #99, Feb 6 2011

In this episode Joselin Mane goes over the week of Boston events and then interviews special guest Jeff Moriarty VP for digital products for The Boston Globe aka @jeffmoriarty about #BostonHackUp. Things have really picked up this week with 4 tweetups, including #MojoUp which we spoke about last week. There are also several events to choose from each night in Boston including a two day Hackathon.

Now here is this week’s video.

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(0:15) Joselin Mane http://twitter.com/JoselinMane

(1:36) Ignite Boston 8 http://bit.ly/gigbos08 Hosted by http://www.twitter.com/igniteboston http://twitter.com/msnewengland
(2:14) Ignite Boston 8 http://bit.ly/gigbos08 Hosted by http://www.twitter.com/igniteboston http://twitter.com/msnewengland

(2:31) #MojoUp Interview http://bit.ly/btutv98
(3:14) #MojoUp http://bit.ly/MojoUp Hosted by http://twitter.com/MojoMotors

(3:53) MassChallenge UnTapped http://bit.ly/UnTapped0209 Hosted by http://twitter.com/masschallenge http://twitter.com/salimahn
(4:58) Engineering Viral Media http://bit.ly/ulsbos0209 Hosted by http://www.twitter.com/ULSnet http://twitter.com/generationg http://twitter.com/gregory http://twitter.com/peretti http://twitter.com/penenberg http://twitter.com/mikeyavo

(5:03) Pre-Hack Day Tweetup http://bit.ly/prehack Hosted by http://bit.ly/BostonHack
(6:22) Emerson College’s AMA Saves Lives TweetUp http://bit.ly/AMAsaves Hosted by http://twitter.com/amaemerson
(6:43) February Tweetup: Digital Marketing for the Global, Social Marketplace http://bit.ly/febtweetup Hosted by http://twitter.com/amaboston
(6:54) February Tweetup: Digital Marketing for the Global, Social Marketplace http://bit.ly/febtweetup Hosted by http://twitter.com/amaboston

(7:25) Creativity Coffee #28 http://bit.ly/ideaspark28 Hosted by http://twitter.com/jitterjam http://twitter.com/mwdonnelly
(7:48) Creativity Coffee #28 http://bit.ly/ideaspark28 Hosted by http://twitter.com/jitterjam http://twitter.com/mwdonnelly
(8:10) New England College Hackathon http://bit.ly/nech2011 Hosted by http://twitter.com/msnewengland
(8:32) New England College Hackathon http://bit.ly/nech2011 Hosted by http://twitter.com/msnewengland

Next Week
(9:16) Bridging the Gap: A Mashup of Academic Frameworks & Business Applications Conference http://bit.ly/btg11 Hosted by http://Twitter.com/BTGConf
(9:45) Metrowest Craft Beer Meetup http://bit.ly/libabeerup Hosted by http://twitter.com/Lost_in_Beer

(9:54) Boston Tweetup Calendar https://bostontweetup.com/calendar/
(10:00) Boston Tweetup on Twitter http://twitter.com/bostontweetup
(10:02) Boston Tweetup on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/bostontweetup
(10:08) Become a Boston Tweetup Twintern https://bostontweetup.com/twinternship/

Special Interview Section
(10:53) Jeff Moriarty http://twitter.com/jmoriarty
(11:52) Pre-Hack Day Tweetup http://bit.ly/prehack Hosted by http://bit.ly/BostonHack
