Become a Twintern!

by Fee Naaijkens (@_fee)
In July 2011, I started working for BostonTweetUp.com. As a Twintern you get the opportunity to work closely together with Joselin Mane, one of Boston’s best-known social media mavens. Since then, many people have been asking me about my work for BostonTweetup.


So what do I do?
I became a blog editor and covered events like What not to web event organized by the MIT Forum, the Boston World Partnership Leaders Networking Reception and a Boston PHP Meetup. During those events, I noticed almost everybody knows BostonTweetup. Either from the MegaTweetup Joselin organized, the online event calendar or its Twitter feed.


What do I get from it?
Going to and writing about events gives me the opportunity to connect with other professionals in the PR and social media field as well. Connections that are so valuable for every young professional who is looking for a job…


What could you do?
There are many things you can learn as a Twintern at BostonTweetup.com. You can blog about events and event planning – online, but we’re also working on a book! -, do market research, microblog, take pictures or make videos during events. It’s your choice actually. The only thing you need is (at least) one day a week. I myself spend a few hours a week going to an event and write about it at home. I also meet with Joselin on a weekly basis to see what else needs to be done.


Want to join the team? Fill out this little survey and Joselin will get back to you in a couple of days.