Boston Internet Marketing Meetup – A BostonTweetUp Review

Who is Boston Internet Marketing Meetup (BIMM)?   BIMM is a Meetup group led by Internet marketing professionals. The group…


Boston Green Drinks – A Boston TweetUp Review

What it’s all about…. After a few dry months, @GreenDrinksBos is back! Boston Green Drinks is all about connecting environmentally conscious…


2011 MassChallenge Awards – A BostonTweetUp Review

"See opportunity where others see obstacles" professed Bert Jacobs’ (of Life is Good) to visionaries and investors at the MassChallenge…


BostonTweetUp TV, Episode #141, November 27 2011

This week on BostonTweetUp TV Joselin Mane goes over several networking events including the two tweetups. He highlights a common…

Boston TweetUp

A SoMoClo™ Evening: Social Mobile Cloud – A BostonTweetUp Review

This past Friday night from 6-8pm Mass Challenge hosted a meet up  event bringing together  various start-up companies and well…


EdTechUp BostonTweetUp Review

November 15th from 6:30-8:30pm Marissa Lowman organized the 9th Ed Tech Up with two guest speakers from the Department of Homeland…


BostonTweetUp TV, Episode #139, November 13 2011

This week on BostonTweetUp TV Joselin Mane goes over 7 networking events including the only tweetup for the week, edtechup.…

Boston TweetUp

Venture Café – A BostonTweetUp Review

Every Thursday afternoon from 3 to 8 p.m., the  Cambridge Innovation Center  (CIC) on One Broadway in Cambridge hosts The Venture…

Welina Farah

BostonTweetUp TV, Episode #137, October 31 2011

This week on BostonTweetUp TV Joselin Mane goes over a few meetups, networking events and the only tweetup for the…

Boston TweetUp

Innovation Express – A BostonTweetUp Review

Boston is a hub for many start-ups and entrepreneurs. We all know that - if you didn’t, you do now!…

Fee Naaijkens