BostonTweetUp Weekly : Tablets Healthcare Marketing Forum and Wonder Women

Que Pasa How are you doing? Firstly, I want thank everyone that wished me a Happy Birthday on Saturday, it…

Boston TweetUp

5 Unique Things for Sponsors to Do After a Networking Event

Welcome back and welcome to the final stage. Assuming now that the event is over it's safe to say that…


5 Unique Things for Speakers to Do After a Networking Event

There are various unique things you can do after an event to help you become more memorable. It's important to…


5 Unique Things for Organizers to Do After a Networking Event

Now that the event is over, it's important to stay reach out to all of your event guests and stay…


5 Unique Things for Venues to Do After a Networking Event

Welcome back! So you've planned, set up, and hosted an event at your venue, now what? Well now that the even…


5 Unique Things for Networkers to Do After a Networking Event

So by now we hope you feel more confident about the way you prepare yourself before the event and about…


BostonTweetUp Weekly : Innovation Awards OpenHub Launches First Fridays

Que Pasa How are you doing? This is going to be another great week for networking with a diverse set…

Boston TweetUp

5 Unique Things for Sponsors to Do During a Networking Event

Hey! So last time we left off talking about ways that you, as a sponsor, can stand out and make…


5 Unique Things for Speakers to Do During a Networking Event

Welcome back speakers, So now that you've prepared and have started to develop a great first impression before the event,…


5 Unique Things Organizers Can Do During a Networking Event

Welcome back organizers, By now you've probably prepared everything for the event and now it's showtime! It's time for you…
