BostonTweetUp Weekly : TVNext Launches Drinks & Mashups

Que Pasa How are you doing? It's going to be a another great week of events with a great variety…

Boston TweetUp

BostonTweetUp Weekly : Sports, Sneakers, & Social

Que Pasa How are you doing? It's going to be a great week of events with a great variety to…

Boston TweetUp

BostonTweetUp Weekly : Social, Fashion & Branding

Que Pasa How are you doing? It's Boston Fashion Week so make sure to put on your latest fall fashions…

Boston TweetUp

BostonTweetUp Weekly : Great event week, Great discounts!

Que Pasa How are you doing? This is going to be a great event week and hopefully I will see…

Boston TweetUp

BostonTweetUp Weekly : Great events and better discounts!

Que Pasa How are you doing? This is going to be a light week and hopefully I will see you…

Boston TweetUp

BostonTweetUp Weekly : Fantastic Event Week!

Que Pasa How are you doing? This is going to be an amazing event week and hopefully I will see…

Boston TweetUp

BostonTweetUp Weekly : Fall Event Season is Here!

Que Pasa How are you doing? As I have been mentioning in the last few weeks,event season has officially begun!…

Boston TweetUp

BostonTweetUp Weekly : Great Labor Day Week Events & Fall Twinterns

Que Pasa How are you doing? Even though it's Labor day week there are still plenty of options for those…

Boston TweetUp

BostonTweetUp Weekly : Labor Day Weekend Calm before the Storm

Que Pasa How are you doing? Given the Labor day weekend it will be a short week of great events…

Boston TweetUp

BostonTweetUp Weekly : 8 Events & that’s Just Wed!

Que Pasa How are you doing? Another amazing week of events, we hope to connect with you at one of…

Boston TweetUp