April Poll of the Month

Boston TweetUp

BostonTweetUp TV, Episode #8, May 3, 2009

[viddler id=eea584d7&w=437&h=370]

Boston TweetUp

Salty Legs Networking Group Mini-presentation

BostonTweetUp spoke at the Salty Legs Networking Group meeting on May 1, 2009. Here are the slides we presented. Salty…

Boston TweetUp

BostonTweetUp TV, Episode #7, April 26, 2009

Registering for Tweetups in Advance [viddler id=623a99a5&w=437&h=370]

Boston TweetUp

Spring Tweetup event poll

Boston TweetUp

HealthCamp Boston & Social Pharmer event poll

Boston TweetUp